Once a year, the class representatives of Bettina von Arnim Oberschule (Bettina von Arnim High School) go on a three-day seminar trip. This year we were part of it and conducted a workshop on Goal No. 16 of the Agenda 2030, "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions".
What the students were particularly concerned with was the question: How can we as young people participate in society, get involved politically and contribute to more peace and justice in the world? To this end, they exchanged views via messenger with Melvin Allieu, Youth Chairman of the province of Kono in Sierra Leone, who spoke about his work and youth participation in society. Other topics were bullying, informed opinion, fake news and filter bubbles on the internet as well as the right and responsibility to actively participate in society.
The students then creatively transformed their thoughts and ideas into several short videos - the results can be found at the bottom of this page.
This project was developed in cooperation with our partners Explority e.V., Raffael from "School without Racism" and Melvin Allieu, the Youth Chairman of the Kono District in Sierra Leone - many thanks to them!
What are filter bubbles? In this video, the students explain why one-sided information gathering is problematic and how we can form a better informed opinion.
In this animated photo comic, the students speak up against bullying and discrimination based on lifestyle.
What did you learn during these three days, which topics are on your mind and what do you want to share with other students? In this video, the participants of the workshop answer these questions.